None of us remember our fetal stages, and no one in the world considers their time in the womb as part of their life; rather, our criteria for calculating our age is the day we were born. But the story of human creation has another reality, and that is that we have never been as busy and active as we were during our time in the womb. The fetus in the womb does not even stop for a moment to rest and is constantly completing and perfecting itself, but what is all this effort in the initial stage of our creation story for?
During the fetal stage, why do we develop eyes, ears, hands, feet, heart, and lungs when none of these organs are useful for the peaceful life in the womb, but rather with their formation and constant growth, they make our place in the womb tighter and tighter every day?
In the fetal stage of the creation story, we are the peaceful inhabitants of the narrow, dark, and limited environment of the mother’s womb, and we can never have a true understanding of the world and what awaits us in it. However, all of our actions indicate our readiness for life after birth. In this stage of the creation story, we completely surrender to the providence and will that shape us in the womb with the facilities provided by our mother and father, ultimately preparing us for life in the world. If we are unaware of the existence of a world that surrounds our mother’s womb and is countless times larger, more beautiful, and unlimited, all the efforts and organ formation of the fetus seem futile and fruitless. Because when we are in the womb, the world’s life is like the unseen for us. Just as the Hereafter is hidden from the eyes of the inhabitants of the world.
In this lesson, we will become more familiar with the details of the beginning of the creation story to the final twist of human journey. What was it at first? What was God’s first creation? What is happening before the world, in the world, and after it? Where are we on this path, and what is our relationship with the world and the creation story?
The articles in this lesson are marked with color … The chapters of this lesson are divided into before the world, the world, and after the world.