The Montazer Self-Knowledge School Is the Human Home.

Montazer Self-Knowledge School

This is where you can know the human being, uncover your emotions, and identify your thoughts, beliefs, and choices.
We are faced with a world full of unknowns, things that have occupied our minds since the very beginning of our life, distancing ourselves from ourselves. To find happiness, peace, and love, we travel around the world. While what we are searching for is already within us! If you discover the secrets of your existence, you will be able to discover the entire universe!
We want to observe and discover what it means to be human. Let us face and know ourselves!

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Textbooks in the Montazer Self-Knowledge School

Understanding humanity requires knowledge and sciences that together form a unified body. This knowledge is inherent, transforming us from within. The problem is that we have no understanding of these sciences, we see no necessity in understanding humanity, and we always place self-reflection at the bottom of our list of concerns. However, if we understand the laws governing our own existence, we will achieve peace with the entire universe and no longer need to strive for illusory successes.
In the Montazer Self-Knowledge School, we have compiled these laws into seven textbooks. In these textbooks, you’ll gain a foundational understanding of the key concepts and have access to the material covered.


Civilization Building

The Unity of God


Mathematics of Creation


The Diagram of Creation

View all books

Introduction to the Courses in the Montazer Self-Knowledge School

The Montazer Self-Knowledge School offers a range of courses from basic to advanced levels. Just like starting our education in the first grade, here at the Self-Knowledge School, we begin by learning the basics of self-knowledge, gradually progressing to building our thoughts with it. You will discover how to navigate the challenges that arise in life, ensuring that no problem can rob you of your inner peace.

Level: First Step

Length: 40 hours

Registrations so far: 1

Level: Toward Infinity

Length: 20 hours

Registrations so far: 0

Level: Toward the Light!

Length: 40 hours

Registrations so far: 1

Level: Lantern!

Length: 10 hours

Registrations so far: 5

Resources Used in the Montazer Self-Knowledge School

The Self-Knowledge School has a rich history that dates back to the very beginnings of humanity. The concepts are deeply rooted in the history of thought, based on Shia philosophy drawn from the Quran and the teachings of the Fourteen Infallibles.

For the first time, a comprehensive understanding of self-knowledge has been distilled from various sources and organized through a root analysis of different concepts, thanks to the work of Professor Mohammad Shojaee. After forty years of dedicated study, research, and careful examination of diverse religious and philosophical texts, he has laid the groundwork for self-knowledge based on a fitrah-oriented approach. The foundation of our discussions at the Self-Knowledge School is built upon these studies, which explore human fitrah and nurture the human aspect of our being.

Sections of the Montazer Self-Knowledge School

While the Self-Knowledge School is designed to guide you step by step in understanding both your inner and outer worlds, it also features additional sections. One such section addresses common doubts, where we delve into frequently asked questions and mental concerns that can sometimes cloud our thoughts and hinder our acceptance of new ideas and perspectives. In the events section, we aim to provide a thorough understanding of the philosophy behind commemorating religious occasions. Additionally, we offer a section dedicated to Sahifa Sajjadiya, where you can access all the supplications attributed to Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him); these prayers serve as an important source for Shia belief.

The Section Addressing Misconceptions

Answering the questions that you face but do not have a correct and convincing answer for.

Events Section

Introducing and analyzing historical events based on what you have learned.

Sahifa Sajjadiya Section

Shia primary source for understanding humans and what protects us from the events of the End Times

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Audience Feedback for The Self-Knowledge School

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"The content of your site is very informative and useful. Your view of anthropology from a religious point of view is very interesting and different. God is strong!"

Ali Yari

"Thank you so much for the valuable and insightful content you provide. These articles helped me gain a deeper understanding of the concept of man and his place."

setareh mosavi

"Your views about the human soul and body are very thought-provoking. I hope you publish more content like this."

Rasul Kiani

"The fact that you express spiritual and philosophical issues in simple language makes more audiences relate to it. Good luck."

Zahra Yousefi