Establishment of a divine civilization that has mastery over all aspects and details of human being structure and needs, and designs and guarantees human beings’ happiness in this world and the hereafter, has not been a simple task or child’s play. The preliminary plan was to create a civilization in which human beings reach the highest status and sweetest life. Therefore, there was a long and dangerous path ahead, where experienced and skilled experts were needed. Experts who have already followed the path of evolution and happiness and are infallible and pure of any errors or sins. So that they can protect humans from the attacks and tricks of Satan on this challenging path and show them the path of salvation. Special deputies who know the structure of the human soul, stages of creation, and the purpose of human creation thoroughly, and know the path to human happiness very well.
God, who never left His dearest creation alone, planned the project of the formation of the nation of prophets. He sent a series of prophets to help human beings, to show them the path to happiness, and to warn and give good news to them.
But this series also had its own method and each prophet played a special role in preparing the preliminaries to establishing a new global civilization.
Formation of the nation of prophets began with the creation of Adam, and 124,000 prophets were engaged in effort, guidance, and struggle to prepare the ground for the coming of the last prophet of the End Times.
Everyone knew that the foundations of the promised divine civilization that would elevate human beings to the highest status would be built by the hands of the last prophet. So, formation of the nation of prophets began, and all the prophets united in a chain to plow the barren and dry soil of the human heart and prepare it to sow seeds for the coming of the divine architect of the End Times.