Inanimate Dimension of the Human; Origin of Materialistic Desires

Inanimate dimension of the human, and attraction to luxuries.


The Body, the First Dimension of Human Existence

In this series of articles, we have explained the importance of self-knowledge or humanology in detail. We stated that self-knowledge is a necessity and not a luxury to pursue if we feel like it. We discussed the benefits of self-knowledge, and how it can improve our relationships to live a happy, peaceful life. We also went through the incorrect definitions given about humans so far and listed their harms. We discussed various dimensions of human existence and introduced the concept of the ‘true self.’

All this content was an introduction leading up to this point. From now on, we will discuss knowing the human being and move forward step by step to decode the different dimensions of this complex being.

In the article “What Is Existential Property, and What Does It Mean to Achieve Perfection?” we divided the creatures of the material world into five categories based on their existential properties and effects: the inanimate, plants, animals, angels, and humans. We stated that humans have the qualities of all other creatures.

Every human being has five main dimensions which are, in order from the lowest to the highest:

  1. Inanimate Dimension
  2. Vegetative Dimension
  3. Animal Dimension
  4. Intellective Dimension
  5. Spiritual Dimension

In this article, we are going to discuss the inanimate dimension of the human. In the following articles, we will introduce the vegetative, animal, intellective, and spiritual dimensions of our existence. We will also look at the most significant difference between humans and other creatures — which is the reason for the superiority and excellence of human beings over other creatures in the world.

Since the topics in this series are interrelated and complement one another, we recommend that you follow them in order until the end.

 Where Does Our Attraction to Luxury Come from?

You have probably experienced at least once the feeling of longing for a fancy car or daydreaming about a large, lush villa with all the facilities. The beauty of a necklace displayed in a jewelry store showcase may captivate you and occupy your mind for several days. You may even get tired of the clothes you bought just a few months ago and start looking for an opportunity to replace them.

Almost all of us have experienced one of these feelings, even if only briefly. But have you ever wondered where these desires come from? Why are they stronger in some of us and weaker in others? Why are we, as humans, so fascinated by money, gold, houses, and cars?

The answers to these questions lead us to introduce the first and lowest dimension of human existence: the ‘inanimate dimension of the human.’

 What Is the Inanimate Dimension of the Human?

The inanimate are the first and simplest creatures of the material world. In terms of existential properties, the inanimate or non-living things have the lowest rank compared to other creatures. Inanimate objects possess qualities like weight, volume, color, and smell, while also having elemental properties. But what is meant by the inanimate dimension of the human? What similarities exist between human beings and inanimate objects?

We stated that inanimate things have weight, volume, color, and smell. These properties can also be found in our bodies. We have weight, our skin has pigments, and our bodies are filled with various elements such as calcium, iron, sodium, etc. Water makes up almost three-quarters of the body, and several gases circulate inside it. So we are considered an object because we have a body, something like a stone, wood, iron, and cement.

Let us go back to the question that we raised earlier: “Why are we interested in luxury?” To answer this question, we need to refer to one of the laws of creation known as the “Law of Pairs.” According to this law, everything in the world has a suitable match, a partner with which it matches and feels peaceful. For example, our eye is paired with light, our stomach with food, etc.

Each dimension of our existence has its own suitable match. Inanimate properties are paired with the inanimate dimension of the human. In other words, in our inanimate dimension, we pair with the inanimate. So it is natural to enjoy having money, gold, clothes, and anything that is related to the inanimate. The desire to build up various collections; acquire great wealth; buy houses, land, and property; replace our cars or have multiple models without any specific need, is the sign of the power of the inanimate dimension of the human.

But here, a few important questions arise:

  • How far does our interest in inanimate properties go?
  • If we all have an inanimate dimension, then we should be equally interested in objects and collecting them. So why are these desires stronger in some and weaker in others?
  • How important is it to know the reason behind our interest in objects and inanimate things? How does this knowledge help us to be happy and peaceful?

To fully answer these questions, we first need to examine all the aspects of our being, distinguish between our ‘material self’ and ‘true self,’ and introduce the perfect match for human beings.

As previously mentioned, the inanimate dimension of the human is the lowest level of existence. Due to having this dimension, we are considered objects and have inanimate desires. These desires pull us towards inanimate assets like luxury goods, fine clothes, beautiful jewelry, etc. But this is not the whole truth. In the following articles, we will discuss this topic in more detail.

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