How to Cure Fisq and What Can We Do to Avoid Being a Fasiq?

How Can We Avoid Being a Fasiq by Maintaining Balance Among Our Beloveds? You have probably heard the word fasiq, but you may not have thought about the possibility that we could be a fasiq too! If this is a possibility for everyone, then another question arises: How can we avoid being a fasiq? Life […]

How to Cure Fisq and What Can We Do to Avoid Being a Fasiq?

 How Can We Avoid Being a Fasiq by Maintaining Balance Among Our Beloveds? You have probably heard the word fasiq, but you may not have thought about the possibility that we could be a fasiq too! If this is a possibility for everyone, then another question arises: How can we avoid being a fasiq? Life […]

Who Is a Fasiq, and What Are the Signs of a Fasiq?

Key Characteristics of a Fasiq Every being in the universe has a balanced state. When it deviates from this state, it is considered abnormal. For instance, a cat instinctively hunts mice, and this behavior is part of its normal state. Similarly, a sheep naturally grazes on grass, as its digestive system is not designed to […]

What is Fisq or Imbalance? /How to Keep Our Faculties in Balance?

Under What Conditions Do We Fall into Fisq or Imbalance? Have you ever wondered how we often define ourselves, or what is our impression of ourselves? – I am a successful person because I was able to get a bachelor’s or a doctorate degree. – I am a successful soccer player, and the whole world […]

What Is Truth? Its Manifestations and How to Follow It

What Is Truth, and How Can We Walk on the Path of Truth? What is truth?[1] Some words are commonly used in everyday life, yet their precise meaning is not always clear, such as the word “truth.” We use this word extensively in our daily conversations. For example, we say “The truth is bitter,” “All […]

Signs of Personal Growth and Development/ What Is True Growth?

The Concept of Personal Growth and Development from the Perspective of Divine Humanology One of the frequently used terms in recent decades, which is quite noticeable on social media pages, websites, and books, is the term “personal growth and development” and the associated skills. In simple terms, personal growth and development mean the process that […]

What Does Receiving Intercession Mean, and Who Holds Its Power?

What Are the Conditions for Being Granted Intercession, and Who Can Receive Intercession? -What does it mean to receive intercession? -Can we rely on intercession to neglect our actions or sins? -Does intercession include everyone? -What prerequisites and conditions are necessary to receive intercession? Intercession means getting paired, but what does pairing signify? Let us […]

Human and the First Manifestation of God/Encapsulation of Creation

What Is the Relationship between the Human Being and the First Manifestation of God? The question of the manifestation of God in the realm of existence is a significant topic in Islamic mysticism. Mystics consider the world to be a manifestation of the names and attributes of God and believe that every being in the […]

The Balanced Human; One Who Chooses His Priorities Correctly

The Characteristics of the Existential Structure of a Balanced Human If we are asked to describe the body of a balanced human, we will definitely answer that it is the body whose every part is in its own place and it obeys the center of decision-making and command of the body, i.e., the brain. We […]

How Does Excess and Neglect in Nourishing Our Soul’s Faculties Weaken Us?

The Danger of Excess and Neglect in the Nourishment of the Soul’s Faculties Excess and neglect refer to engaging in an activity either more or less than the balanced amount, either by overindulging in it or failing to address it adequately. We have heard a lot about the harms of excess and neglect. In any […]