Facing the unknown is always daunting, and we try to know the path before starting a new journey. The Book of Navigation is a guide to becoming acquainted with the most unknown event of our lives!
Isn’t life the most unknown event possible? We have entered a vast, unfamiliar world with limited resources and time to grasp and make the most of it. The path of life and our desires are limitless, while we have a limited lifespan. What is this vast and unknown world that lies before us? How can we understand it and learn to use it? We will answer all these questions in the Book of Navigation.
In the early years of life on Earth, our mother is our first and last guide, and as we grow older, we choose new guides for ourselves: teachers, friends, thinkers, writers, and anyone who seems sufficiently familiar with the path ahead. However, the journey of life is intricate and multifaceted, with each decision demanding careful thought. In light of this, is there truly no guide we can depend on for all our questions, moments, and experiences? Is there no one to show us the way?
When we encounter an unknown object, if we intend to identify it, we undoubtedly seek someone to define and explain it to us. In the next step, to use it correctly, we need someone to at least explain its application to us for the first time and help set it up; the more valuable, sensitive, complex, or rare the object is, the more caution we take in handling it and the more we avoid any actions that might cause damage.
This is a principle and rational law inherent in all humans, and no one can deny it. We seek help from specialists for any organized system, and no sound mind accepts referring to non-specialists regarding the tools or phenomena of the world. However, in relation to ourselves and the complex path ahead, we easily violate this principle; why does this happen? You will find the answer to this question in the discussions of the Book of Navigation.
The Self-Knowledge School offers a space to explore the profound questions that underlie our anxieties, sorrows, and fears. These negative emotions stem from our fundamental lack of answers: we don't know ourselves, we don't know the world, and we haven't defined our relationship with it. This ignorance hinders our pursuit of love, peace, and lasting happiness.