There is nothing in the structure of the universe that does not involve order and measure, and that does not fall within the framework of the mathematics of creation. Essentially, the system of creation is a system of measures. We are surrounded by measures both in the external world and in our inner world. All manifestations of God in the universe, whether material or immaterial, are calculated and mathematical; thus, the world operates according to a system of measures, and the pursuit of science is to discover and understand the underlying mathematical structure of creation.
The structure of the universe, despite its vastness and complexity, is very orderly. This order and arrangement reveal specific rules and formulas that govern the structure of creation. In the Book of Mathematics of Creation, we discover these laws and rules and examine our relationship with them. The importance of this matter lies in understanding that the mathematics of creation is inviolable, and if we are not familiar with it, we will constantly experience fear, anxiety, failure, and sadness; thus, the Book of Mathematics of Creation is a guide to understanding the laws governing the universe and the laws governing the soul, as well as learning how to use these precise and mathematical principles.
The Self-Knowledge School offers a space to explore the profound questions that underlie our anxieties, sorrows, and fears. These negative emotions stem from our fundamental lack of answers: we don't know ourselves, we don't know the world, and we haven't defined our relationship with it. This ignorance hinders our pursuit of love, peace, and lasting happiness.