Seeing the Malakut of Objects | Why Do Most of Us Not See It?

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What Is the Malakut of Objects? How Can We Find This Malakut?

It is time to take off the glasses of self-evident truths and look at the objects in this world from a different viewpoint. We are quickly losing the opportunity to see and contemplate. Perhaps the end of our life is near, but we have not thought about the Malakut of the heavens and the earth yet.[1]

To understand what malakut is and how to look at it, imagine a fetus in the mother’s womb. He sees nothing but the umbilical cord, the fluid he floats in, the placenta which provides nutrients, and the uterine walls that surround him. His existence depends on a mother who manages his body. The mother is the cause of the fetus’s existence, while the fetus does not see the mother and is unaware of her existence. In fact, without the mother, the fetus does not exist, and in this condition, the mother is the malakut of the fetus.

So malakut means an inward state that all our existence depends on, but we do not see it and only perceive a superficial and outward aspect of it. In reality, the malakut of objects is their hidden inward truth, which at the same time, is the cause of their existence, and this cause is ultimately nothing but the God who manifests Himself in various forms and appearances throughout the universe, in the mother, in the world, in the heavens and the earth, and so on.

How Can We Find the Malakut?

The malakut of objects exists, whether we are aware of its existence, have discovered it, and benefited from its presence or not. In fact, we can find the malakut of objects only when we move out of the limitations of our lives and go beyond them. To further clarify this matter, let us refer back to the example of the fetus and the mother. The fetus can only perceive its malakut, i.e., the mother, once he goes out of the womb, i.e., he goes beyond the womb. In other words, this happens when nothing from his previous confined environment can limit or prevent him from going out.

Of course, seeing the malakut of objects is only possible for someone who has previously believed in its reality; that is, someone who is certain that the malakut of objects exists. With the knowledge, perceptions, and awareness that we have, we must train our eyes to see and seek causes. For example, whenever we see a wooden table, we know that a carpenter made it. We know that there was a person familiar with mathematics and design, a tree from which the wood was obtained, a saw that cut the tree, a factory that produced the saw, a mine from which the metal blade of the saw was extracted, a device that extracted the metal; this device had its own maker, and so on.

Or when we eat food, we know that someone has prepared it, the necessary ingredients have been purchased, the vegetables have been transported from the farm to the market; someone planted and watered these vegetables, took care of them, and prepared their seeds. The same goes for the meat, bread, and other components of this meal. We have all this information, even though we may not pay attention to it. In fact, this malakut is hidden behind everything, whether we think about it or not. To see the malakut of the heavens and the earth, we must get used to seeing the malakut of objects.

What Prevents Us from Thinking?

So far, we have realized that every truth, reaction, and phenomenon in the world of existence has a malakut. When thinking about the malakut of the heavens and the earth is so evident that God even obliges the disbelievers to reflect upon it,[2] then why do we not see this malakut? Why do we see things only on a surface level and do not contemplate it?

The truth is that we have become accustomed to the veil of habit which has confined us to the outward aspect of the world and objects. Just like a fetus that thinks the womb is the only realm of existence and does not see anything beyond it until birth, we too have been so engaged in the lower perfections that we have taken away the opportunity for contemplation from ourselves, while God constantly asks us about it and holds us accountable for neglecting this matter.

In this article, we stated that behind every reaction and phenomena in this world, there is a hidden inward truth, which is the cause of the existence of that phenomenon. This hidden inward truth is called the malakut. We have realized that to find the malakut, we must go beyond our previous limitations. We discussed the condition for seeing the malakut of objects and addressed the question of why, despite the importance of contemplating the malakut of the heavens and the earth for God, we are heedless of it!

What do you think about the malakut of the heavens and the earth? Have you ever thought about seeing the malakut and its importance?

[1]. Quran, 7:185

[2]. “Have they ever reflected on the malakut of the heavens and the earth, and everything Allah has created, and that perhaps their end is near? …” (Quran, 7:158)

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