Quran Is the Charter of Creation | Relation between Quran and Other Creations

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The Quran Is the Charter of Creation, a Book for All People of All Times

You must have heard that the Quran addresses all human beings at all times. The Quran was revealed more than 1400 years ago to the Noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and in the Arabian society. But have we ever asked ourselves how this Quran has the ability to be used by different individuals with different social and personal backgrounds throughout centuries?

How is God’s relationship with us in the Quran?

Why some of us cannot build a connection with the Quran, while others soar to the highest level of humanity with it?

Before anything else, we must know that God has manifested and revealed Himself in infinite forms in the universe. Everything we see is a manifestation of God, even our existence. Everything in the universe is like a mirror reflecting its Creator. In the same way, the names and attributes of God have been fully manifested in the Quran. The Quran is the charter of creation presented to us in a written form. In fact, it is God who speaks to us in the form of words and expressions and shows Himself to us.

In previous lessons, we learned that the essence of God is infinite in all perfections. Therefore, His manifestations are also infinite, and for this reason, Quranic teachings and knowledge are also infinite. Just as none of God’s manifestations are limited, there is no end or limit to the teachings of the Quran, which is a complete manifestation of God’s essence. In this article, we explain how the Quran is the charter of creation and the only source that expresses and explains the laws governing our soul.

Our True Relationship with the Quran

There is a precise and existential relationship between the essence of our existence and the words of God. We said that the Quran is the charter of creation and the manifestation of God. On the other hand, the structure of our soul is also a manifestation of the spirit of God breathed into us. Therefore, these two realities undoubtedly have a connection and harmony with each other. In other words, the Quran is not just a sacred and heavenly book that we read to gain rewards, or simply a book of laws that has issued commands for our lives from outside of us. Rather, each verse of the Quran holds a truth that corresponds to the truths of our soul, and it retells the truth of our essence.

In reality, it is not that the human is created first and then a heavenly book is written based on his existential structure. Rather, human beings are created based on the Quran, and the Quran is the charter of creation of the human being. Therefore, the Quran is the best encyclopedia for extracting components that are compatible with our soul. If we want to find a shortcut for achieving happiness and peace in life, we must turn to the Quran and extract the genuine laws of creation and our bliss from it.

We have a fitri (innate) relationship with the Quran. We are familiar with the messages of the Quran and are drawn to them. In fact, the Quran is a “reminder” of our forgotten fitrah. Therefore, the best way to know our true self, the structure of our creation, and the secret key to inner peace and happiness is to read the Quran and contemplate it as much as possible.

If the Quran has placed a responsibility on us or if God has prohibited us from doing something through the Quran, it is not just a simple command or prohibition. Rather, it is a roadmap to understanding which actions are compatible with our human dimension and the purpose of our creation, and doing them puts us on the path of achieving the purpose of our creation. It also tell us which actions are not in line with fulfilling this purpose and are incompatible with our existential structure.

The Quran and the Laws of Creation

We stated that the structure of our existence is regulated according to the Quran and the Quran is the charter of creation. In fact, the reason for the enduring relevance of the Quran at all times is rooted in this very truth. The passage of centuries, technological advancements, and changes in human lifestyle have not altered our fitrah and the essence of our existence, and the Quran contains unchanging laws. As a result, the Quran speaks in harmony with our fitrah and psyche, providing precise criteria for achieving the purpose our creation and attaining happiness in all aspects of life.

The Quran commands us in all areas of life based on our fitrah. If at times we see our desires in conflict with the fitri laws of the Quran, and we think these laws limit us and we do not obey them, it is only because we have not known and defined ourselves properly. If we define ourselves at the level of inanimate objects, plants, animals, or angles, naturally we only think about satisfying our material, vegetative, animal, and intellective needs. This is while the fitrah upon which we have been created and which the Quran speaks of goes beyond these! God sees us as human beings, and His laws of creation are compatible with the Human or supra-rational dimension of our existence.

The Quran is not just a holy and heavenly book. Rather, it is a book that has been designed and sent to us by the Creator of the universe and the Engineer and Creator of the human being. The Quran includes the most specialized, scientific, reliable, precise, and accurate information related to the whole creation. Therefore, it is the best source of scientific knowledge for knowing the human being and the whole creation. In fact, we humans do not have a more rational, documented, and specialized evidence than the noble Quran to discover the whole creation. This is because the Quran is the only undistorted book that has come from the Creator for the creation. In addition, the Quran is the only reference and scientific book that has provided standards and scales for all fields of knowledge. As a result, we can use the Quran as a criterion for assessing the accuracy and correctness of sciences such as philosophy, mysticism, Islamic jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, management, educational sciences, art, and history.

If one day we become mature enough to use the Quran as a scientific source, there will be no limits to human knowledge. Recognizing the greatness of God as the sender of the Quran not only demonstrates the greatness of the human being as its recipient, but also reveals the high status and grandeur of the Quran. However, reaching this understanding requires a correct knowledge of ourselves as a human being and a proper knowledge about God as the only Beloved of this human being.

The Quran Is the Origin of All Knowledge

Now that we realized that the truth and essence of our existence are based on the teachings of the Quran and that only God is fully aware of the truth of our creation and our needs, we can better understand that the Quran is the ultimate source of guidance, our guide, and the ultimate resource for all fields of knowledge related to knowing and exploring human existence. In fact, the Quran is the charter of creation and a criterion for measuring the accuracy and correctness of fields of knowledge such as philosophy, mysticism, Islamic jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, management, educational sciences, art, history, and so on. Considering the main purpose of our life on earth, the Quran provides us with the most compatible scientific criterion and scale in all these fields of knowledge. In fact, the Quran is not a presenter of knowledge, but the source of all knowledge. If we put aside the Quran and choose another reference book to know ourselves, we will definitely not achieve the desired result, and this will do more harm than good. If we reach the maturity to recognize that the Quran is the charter of creation and use it as the cornerstone in regulating all aspects of our lives, we will definitely enjoy life by experiencing true happiness and peace.

In this lesson, we discussed the fact that the Quran is the charter of creation and all creation is organized and created based on the principles and rules of the Quran. The true Beloved of the human being has given us this book to use it as a roadmap and guide to achieve the purpose of our creation. We also examined the truth that any deviation from the standards presented in the Quran will be harmful to us.

In the following, we will examine the purpose of human creation and how to fulfill it from the perspective of the Quran. We would be happy if you share your understanding of this lesson with us.

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