Necessity of the Primacy of Expertise and the Purpose of Creation

Understanding the Necessity of the Primacy of Expertise in the Context of the Purpose of Human Creation

If we carefully look at what is going around us, we see that some events or circumstances are interdependent. For example, it is possible to reach first place in a cycling tournament without suitable clothing or helmet. However, we certainly cannot think of getting a place in this race without having a bicycle. Or to participate in a rowing competition, it is necessary to have a boat and oars suitable for the structure of this competition. The structure of life, mathematics of creation, and the mathematics of our soul are also designed and regulated in such a way that we need different factors to reach the ultimate goal and the purpose of our creation; in fact, it is practically impossible to reach our ultimate goal without them.

For example, without knowing who we are, what our structural characteristics are, where we have come from, where our final destination is, and how we must go along this path, we will be unable to understand the purpose of our creation. However, the important point here is that these questions do not fit within the limits of our material and empirical knowledge, and finding the answers to these questions is very important in achieving the purpose of our creation. But to find these answers, we have to meet some requirements, the most important of which is consulting an infallible expert, and this in itself proves the necessity of the primacy of expertise.

Our Existential Structure and the Eternity that Lies Ahead

In the previous lessons, we learned that we are different from other beings only because of our human dimension. In fact, God has not allowed any other of His creations- inanimate objects, plants, animals, and even angels- to reach this level. We are special in God’s eyes because of our human or supra-rational dimension. But this Divine Spirit once existed in another realm before coming to this world, and it lives for a short time in our earthly and material bodies and in the limited environment of the world. It must nurture itself in this stage so that after the end of this period, it can return to its eternal life in the hereafter and to its Creator.

The issue of eternity and our desire for eternal life is no joke! If we do not find a true and complete answer to it, we will enter eternal life in a state where our desire to return to the world, improve ourselves, and reach human status will become our most important desire. If that happens, it means that instead of nurturing our human and infinity-seeking dimension in this world, we have prioritized and nurtured the inanimate, vegetative, animal, and intellective dimensions of our being. But there is no return. Just like a baby who has been born with disability and has to endure this condition for the rest of his life, we also have to live with what we have made for ourselves until the end of our lives in the hereafter. Of course, the difference is that in the hereafter, there will be no end to our lives.

A Mistake That Must Be Prevented

Naturally, we seek to benefit as much as possible from the realm of the hereafter and to achieve bliss, but one of our irreparable mistakes in achieving bliss is to find or follow a wrong or incomplete definition of bliss. For example, throughout history and in contemporary times, we have witnessed numerous instances where an individual, group, or even a populous society has based their bliss on certain foundations, and after years or even generations, they realize that they have defined it the wrong way. However, acknowledging the fallacy of their path has little impact on those individuals who have lived their lives based on these definitions.

In fact, if we base our plans and activities on true human foundations from the very beginning and follow those who have a complete and accurate knowledge of our dimensions of existence, we will never suffer such damage and harm. That is because in reality, people trust their leaders and then follow them. In fact, the leaders of a society are the most to blame for the deviations and misguidance that steer people away from true bliss; on the other hand, they also have the greatest impact on achieving bliss and happiness. This is where the importance of an expert and guide who fully knows the human being or the necessity of the primacy of expertise for leading and guiding the society becomes clear. This person is aware of all the dimensions of the human and other beings and can establish the best relationship between the human being, God, and His other creations.

Guidance from the Creator

Therefore, it seems that a guide who is an expert on the human or supra-rational dimension of our existence is not only necessary, but it is our right to ask God for it. Of course, as humans, we have the capability to ignore the necessity of the primacy of expertise, forget our true self, and become preoccupied with our lower dimensions, from inanimate to intellective, throughout our entire lives. But God, who knows what He has created and the necessity of the primacy of expertise more than anyone else, knows all our capabilities and smallest needs, and He has never neglected to send His prophets to us. It is indeed so important for God to guide us that He has even sacrificed some of His most beloved creations, namely the prophets, Imams, and His friends, for our guidance. Of course, it is clear that those who guide us towards eternal bliss on this path must be free from any error so that they do not make the slightest mistake in receiving divine teachings and conveying them to people. This quality has always existed in all divine prophets and Infallible Imams and it exists now.

In fact, God only gives primacy to the guidance that He has provided and designed according to our capabilities and the purpose of our creation. On the other hand, the divine prophets and the Fourteen Infallible Imams are the only trusted deputies of God; they are the people who are worthy enough to guide us to the purpose of our creation. Therefore, only following them is acceptable to God. This issue expresses the necessity of the primacy of expertise and the same fitri law of “the primacy of expertise” in the supra-rational dimension. In simpler terms, it says that in order to actualize the potentials of our human dimension and achieve the purpose of our creation, we have no choice but to consult the infallible experts trusted by God.

In this article, we stated that the need for infallible leaders and guides and connection with them is fitri and this need emerges based on “the principle of the primacy of expertise.” That is because due to the mathematical structure of our existence, we are not able to acquire the necessary knowledge on our own, and the necessity of the primacy of expertise requires us to go to an infallible expert. In fact, on the path of self-knowledge and our relationship with existence, it is enough to take the first steps correctly to avoid any mistakes in reaching our ultimate goal.

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