Worldly Problems: Purpose and the Dimension Involved
Why Is Enduring Worldly Problems and Hardships Hard for Me? It is likely that all of us have either expressed or heard such statements when facing the worldly problems, such as: “O God, why haven’t you answered my prayer? Why didn’t you give me what I wanted? Why this suffering? Why this illness? Why did […]
What Causes Sadness, and How to Overcome It?
The Best and Most Effective Way to Overcome Sadness We all have experienced unpleasant feelings like sadness and grief many times, moments that seem to never end, so painful that we would do anything to escape them. Numerous factors can trigger these feelings, from illness and loss of loved ones to dwelling on a painful […]
How Can We Endure Hardships with Ease and Enjoyment?
The Best Strategy to Endure Hardships Easily Life does not always go the way we want it to go. Unfortunately, there are times when events and unexpected occurrences disturb our peace. Sometimes, hardship can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling suffocated and crushed by the pressure. Accepting consequences of situations that we have created is easy, […]
How Disbelief or Belief in the Hereafter Impacts Our Lifestyle
The Effects and Benefits of Belief in the Hereafter on Lifestyle Improvement How often do you think about death during the day? How many times a year do you visit cemeteries? What is your perception of life after death? What place does belief in the hereafter hold in your life? Are you prepared enough for […]
How Can We Use Our Lifetime in the Womb of the World?
Every Moment of Our Lifetime Is Equivalent to Thousands of Years in the Hereafter. In the material world, the issue of the limited life of creatures is completely obvious and accepted. For example, the lifespan of plants and many animals is much shorter than that of humans, or there are species that live longer than […]
The Answer to a Common Question: Why Should We Emulate?
Why Should We Emulate? Do We Lack Intellect and Wisdom? One of the most common misconceptions in society, especially among younger and more educated people, is: “Why should we emulate?” Do we lack intellect and wisdom? Doesn’t emulation hinder intellectual growth and maturity? Why should we be the intellectual slaves to others and why should […]
The Human Is the Noblest Creation | What Makes the Human Different?
The Human Is the Noblest Creation and a Combination of Various Faculties and Dimensions “The human is the noblest creation.” Surely you have all heard this sentence many times, and perhaps after witnessing chaos, injustice, or oppressions committed by a group of humans against others, you wonder what this sentence could possibly mean! With blood-stained […]
Most Important Principles and Rules of Thinking/How Should We Think?
What Are the Most Important Principles and Rules of Thinking That Edify Human Beings? No one is born a thief, criminal, or murderer. All major sins start from a simple corrupt thought that seems harmless at first, but if nurtured and acted upon, it destroys not only the individual’s own life but also the lives […]
What Is Positive and Constructive Thinking?/What Are Its Effects?
The Most Important Features of Positive and Constructive Thinking “One hour of your contemplation is better than seventy years of worship ”[1]. Whenever the worth of contemplation is discussed, this outstanding hadith is mentioned. In fact, most of us have heard and acknowledged it several times. How often have we regarded the characteristics of positive […]
The Effects of Negligence in the Fetal Period and in the World
The Irreparable Effects of Negligence in the Mother’s Womb and in the World One moment of negligence, a lifetime of regret! Most of us possibly experienced the truth of this proverb in our lives! Almost everyone has, at least once, experienced failure or distress due to negligence. Humans are forgetful beings, and because of this […]