Formation of the New Divine Civilization

The Iranian Revolution made an effort to prototype a divine civilization. However, people should understand that no civilization can lead human beings to happiness in this world and eternal life of the hereafter, without the rule of an infallible expert Imam. All the best human civilizations can do is to pave the way for the formation of a new divine civilization.
The important point is that the new divine civilization and the rule of an infallible expert Imam will not be formed by force and unwillingly. People’s will power and decision are essential prerequisites for the occurrence of this great event. The formation of a new divine civilization is marked by the reappearance of The Promised Savior. The special feature of this civilization is that it guarantees the happiness of human beings both in this world and in the hereafter. The new divine civilization is designed based on the structure of human beings, the purpose of our creation, and the stages of our life.
The main axis of divine education in this civilization is the education of the heart and the spiritual dimension of individuals. Because the bricks of this building stack up properly on the strong dimensions of our being, all dimensions of our existence are managed and nourished appropriately. The fruit of this growth is that other dimensions of existence also come into the service of humanity. And thus, all dimensions of existence are satisfied and in balance.
The infallible expert Imam is the only one who has reached the status of a perfect human being and knows the highways and byways of the path to happiness. As a result, he is the only one who can lead humans to happiness and the position of Allah’s deputy without the least damage and loss. A civilization whose people make Allah the axis of their affairs in their lives, God will also supervise all their affairs.