Is There Any unlimited and Infinite Being in the Universe?

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What Are the Characteristics of an Unlimited and Infinite Being?

We stated that the human being desires infinity. He wants to reach infinity in everything, such as infinite science, infinite wealth, infinite beauty, infinite life, infinite power, etc. We realized that there will never be a time when the human desire to achieve infinite perfection ceases to exist. Now, we want to know if there exists an infinite being in the external world towards which humans move. What are the characteristics of this infinite being that humans are innately inclined to?

Different Forms of the Concept of the Infinite Being

There are two forms of an infinite being:

The Potential Infinite Being (Unreal): A potential infinite being is one that is limited, but it has the ability, potential, and capacity to become infinite. For example, the range of numbers is limited because it is related to quantity, and quantity is a matter of essence; having an essence implies limitation. However, numbers have the potential to expand infinitely in our minds because no matter how large we consider a number, a larger one can always be imagined. Therefore, numbers have the potential for infinity, even if it has not been actualized in external reality. Another example is an apple seed that has the potential to grow into an apple tree, then an apple orchard, which can then produce thousands of more seeds and trees, continuing endlessly. However, since this potential has not been fulfilled in the external world yet and exists just in the apple seed, we cannot consider these beings infinite. They are not infinite because they have not released the energy stored in them.

An Actual Infinite Being (Real): It is an actual infinite being which has all the perfections. It is infinite at the present moment and has no limitations. Its infinity is not mental; it is infinite in all dimensions, and this infinity has occurred in the external world and is manifest.

Characteristics of the Real Infinite Being

  • It definitely exists.

According to what we discussed in the article on the laws of wishes, five universal laws can be drawn from our desire or wish for something. Therefore, when we want or desire something,

  1. that thing certainly exists,
  2. we know it,
  3. it is compatible with us,
  4. we have the capacity to use it, and
  5. we have experienced it before.

Furthermore, we proved that non-existence does not exist.

If we put all these statements next to the human desire for infinity, we can conclude the following about the absolute and real infinite being:

  1. it exists,
  2. we are aware of its existence,
  3. we are compatible with infinity,
  4. we have the capacity to experience this absolute infinity, and
  5. we have experienced it before.
  • It is not limited at all.

Furthermore, an infinite being cannot be restricted in any way because once it is limited, it ceases to be infinite. An infinite being does not possess the characteristics of limited matters, such as physical boundaries, time, place, physical form, and so on. It cannot be said that it began at a certain point and will end at another; but rather it is eternal and perpetual. All perfections must exist within it infinitely and simultaneously. This is why we cannot attribute infinity to individual perfections like infinite knowledge, infinite power, and so on. That is because there is only one infinite being, and we cannot have multiple infinite beings at the same time. If we did, they would limit each other, and none of them would be infinite anymore.

  • There is only one.

From the viewpoint of reason and knowledge, there can exist only a single infinite being because if there were two infinite beings, both would become limited. Assuming the existence of a second infinite being would require us to impose boundaries and limits on the first infinite being, and this contradicts the very meaning of infinity. The absolute and infinite being is everywhere, leaving no room for a second infinite being. No law or science can prove the existence of two absolute and infinite beings because such an assumption is wrong. The presence of a second infinite being undermines the absolute oneness of the first infinite being.

Actually, if there were two infinite beings, this would naturally lead to three infinite beings because there must be another being between these two. Therefore, by considering the first two infinite beings and the one in between, we would end up with three infinite beings. Following this line of reasoning, three infinite beings would lead to five infinite entities, and this process would continue infinitely!

Knowing the absolute being is only possible through an intuitive, inward, and epistemic journey. Existence cannot be divided into different parts, but its manifestations exist in different forms. For instance, a human and a table are two different manifestations of existence. When a human sits at the table, another manifestation of existence called the air exists between them. In this example, existence preserves its wholeness and unity, but it has different manifestations (human, table, and air).

  • It is the cause behind all phenomena.

The real infinite being must serve as the cause and creator of all phenomena; otherwise, it would itself be in need of another being to bring it into existence. This need limits it and contradicts its infinity. Furthermore, existence does not emerge from non-existence since non-existence does not exist. Therefore, the infinite being has always existed and is the absolute and infinite existence.

What Is the Name of This Infinite Being?

From a rational standpoint, there is only one real infinite being. If there were more than one, it would be limited and no longer infinite. Regardless of the name we give to this infinite being, it is not potentially infinite. Potentiality suggests incompleteness, limitation, and moving towards perfection, but this is not the case. It is the infinite truth which exists, has all the perfections, and is not limited. This infinite being is one and has created all other creatures.

What we choose to name this absolute existence does not make much of a difference. What truly matters is that we seek it, so we cannot have a limited existence. Existence is infinite and cannot be restricted. That is because the only thing that can limit existence is non-existence, but as we discussed before, non-existence does not exist, and it is a conventional matter. Therefore, there is nothing in the universe that can limit this being.

Now, why do we desire this unlimited and infinite being? What is this absolute and infinite being called?

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