The Mathematical Structure of the Universe

There are few people in the world who might think that the world around them does not have any laws and rules. From the shapes and exact arrangements of flower petals to a small insect that beautifully flies with its small size, all show that the world’s phenomena follow some precise rules and measures. In fact, all the actions and reactions take place within the mathematical structure of the universe. It is important to know that these laws and mathematics rule both phenomena and the relationships between them. We might not have heard about some of these laws or their functions, but it does not change anything. These laws permeate through our lives, and if we do not learn about the mathematical structure of the universe, we only put ourselves in trouble.
For example, consider the law of decree and destiny. If we know that our decisions and their outcomes are governed by the law of cause and effect, then we might be able to prevent some of the unpleasant incidents in our lives. If we know that there is the law of trial and tribulation, and whether we want it or not, we are tested for various reasons, we can better control ourselves in difficult situations; or we can stay happy and peaceful when something unpleasant happens. Yet, if we are not aware of the mathematical structure of the universe, we will definitely be shocked in ups and downs of life.

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