Happy Birthday!
After all the effort, we have finally taken a step into a world that we have worked hard to have a healthy birth into. When we were busy preparing ourselves to enter this world in the cramped and dark wombs of our mothers, we never thought that we would be facing such a vast, beautiful, diverse, and at the same time complex world. Now, we know the value of each limb, or rather, the tool that we brought with us here. Although these tools were useless in the mother’s womb, life in the world would have been difficult or even impossible without them.
And now a question arises: What should we do in the world we have entered? What is going to happen to us in this new environment that makes it worth all the effort and preparation? If we pay attention, we can see that the world is like a gym. All events, encounters, ups and downs of life, and even the people around us are arranged to train us and strengthen us on the path to our ultimate goal. We must acquire the necessary assets for the afterlife through the world we are in. In fact, on the path to becoming like God (i.e. manifesting the names and attributes of God), we have a difficult journey ahead that cannot be achieved without going through the ups and downs of the world we are in.
The Self-Knowledge School offers a space to explore the profound questions that underlie our anxieties, sorrows, and fears. These negative emotions stem from our fundamental lack of answers: we don't know ourselves, we don't know the world, and we haven't defined our relationship with it. This ignorance hinders our pursuit of love, peace, and lasting happiness.