The Guide

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You are probably not happy that the equipment you have bought has not come with a manual or handbook. For the optimal use of any system or device, we need a manual or a guide. Therefore, how is it possible to not feel any need for having a guide in order to pass through the ups and downs of our spiritual journey? To have a peaceful and happy life, we need someone to help us through these difficulties even if we do not believe in the afterlife. In fact, it is impossible to pass through a path without having proper tools.
As we need a road map, we also need a guide or an expert who can explain this map to us. These guides are prophets and Imams (successors to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)).
A prophet is someone who informs us about the rules and dangers of our journey unconditionally. Our attitude towards him does not make any difference in doing his responsibilities. Whether we want him or not, whether we follow his orders or follow another path in life, it does not discourage him. He knows our existential structure, is well aware of the path of our journey, has brought us the roadmap, and has been chosen to guide us towards the right path.
Here is a question for you. Were you among those students who expected their teacher to remind them of their assignments anytime they were absent from school? Why do we always think that instead of consulting an expert, it is the expert’s duty to remind us of our dos and don’ts? We even fall into this misunderstanding on a greater scale. For example, we assume as the prophet comes to us for unconditional guidance, the Imam has to do so as well. Perhaps this is because we are not aware of the differences between the responsibilities of the prophet and Imam as guides. In fact, the prophet is someone who brings the roadmap and make us aware of its existence, but the Imam is responsible for explaining and formulating this roadmap; he shows us how to use the roadmap that the prophet has provided for us. The difference is that we must go to him and benefit from him as a guide and a leader.

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