Manifestation of Infinity | Can We Satisfy Our Desire for Infinity?

Table of contents

 Who Is the Manifestation of Infinity? What Do We Love?

How many billions of dollars do you need to fulfill your desires? Probably a list of desires has been formed in your mind with this question, but is there a limit to these desires, or as soon as we think we do not have any desires anymore, another desire comes to our mind immediately?

It seems as if in this world, there is no limit to our desires, nothing satisfies us, and there is not any infinite manifestation of our infinite desires. This is the reason why we do not need to prove that the human being seeks infinity; by examining ourselves and our desires, we accept this fact.

We seek infinity in all aspects of our lives. We want to be the best in everything we do. If we win the Olympic gold medal, we long to set a new record. Our imagination flies in the realm of desires, and we cannot imagine an end to them. If we do not control our desire for infinity and if we do not seek to achieve the true manifestation of infinity, it will become very dangerous. That is because as we proved in the previous articles, seeking infinity is fitri, and there is no limit to it. We have an unstoppable desire to want the best things. As a result, if this desire is not on the right path, we may waste our lifetime to achieve new goals or we will become disappointed and frustrated after achieving the best of whatever that exists in the material world. So the biggest question of our life is: What is the manifestation of infinity in the universe, and how can we reach it?

The Desire for Infinity on the Wrong Path

We never blame someone for eating food, getting married, or wishing to be beautiful because we have accepted these as our innate desires, but the behavior of someone who eats food voraciously, the king who has harems, or someone who constantly undergoes cosmetic surgeries is not acceptable for us. These people are also satisfying their desires, but why is it sometimes acceptable to fulfill the desires, and sometimes not?

It is true that the source of these desires is within us, but each of them is of a different origin. The desire to eat relates to the material dimension of our existence, and we must respond to it with material things. But our mistake is that we assume the source of our desire for infinity is also material, and we must satisfy it with material things, while it is fundamentally impossible.

The Earth, with all its vastness and diversity in organisms and phenomena, cannot fulfill the human being’s desire for infinity because the world we see is material and limited, but the origin of our desire for infinity is immaterial and unlimited. Any sound mind accepts that the limited cannot satisfy the unlimited.

If we want to satisfy our desire for infinity on Earth, we just make ourselves exhausted. As long as we do not satisfy this desire in the correct manner and within its appropriate context, we cannot quench our thirst for wanting more.

A False Belief

May be you have met people who have lived in a region for several generations and influenced by the ethics, behaviors, customs, and traditions of its inhabitants; they even speak with the dialect of that region. However, their physical features show that they are from elsewhere. Our story as humans and the Earth is also a similar story. Generation after generation, we have lived here and gotten used to the conditions of life on Earth to the extent that we have completely forgotten we are not native to the Earth and we have been separated from an infinite being. We belong to another place, and we are supposed to return there in the end.

Our desire for infinity is an immaterial one, but we are so accustomed to our material body that we basically consider ourselves nothing but matter, so we try to satisfy all our needs and desires in a material way. In fact, we have forgotten that we cannot find the manifestation of infinity in the material, limited world, and to satisfy the desire for infinity, we have no choice but to discover the manifestation of infinity in a greater world.

Satisfying the Desire for Infinity

Consider the difference between a cactus in the American desert and a tiny cactus sitting on your windowsill. The cactus is native to America and thrives in that region, growing to heights several times that of a human in its natural climate and conditions. It even produces incredibly beautiful flowers. In fact, the plant we keep in our little pots as cactus mostly resembles a miniature version of this tree. If we did not have any knowledge of the other side of the Earth, we would not know the growth potential of a cactus, or even that it has the ability to bloom.

It is very easy to recognize something that is not native to a region because it shows some characteristics that set it apart from its counterparts. It may never adjust itself to the new environment, or some of its characteristics will never be fully developed. We humans are not native to the Earth, and the desire for infinity does not belong to the Earth. This desire is fitri, and it is never satisfied by earthly means.

If we are not aware of our desire for infinity, our ultimate goal will be limited to this world; as a result, we try to become the best at everything to satisfy this desire. When we reach the ultimate goal, we will try something else. However, the source of our desire for infinity is itself infinite, and this desire will only be satisfied in the infinite realm. Just as only water can quench our thirst, it is only infinity which can satisfy the human desire for infinity.

Intuitive Proof of the Existence of an Infinite Being or the Absolute Perfect

As we said before, all human beings have a desire for infinity; we examined this issue from a rational and theoretical point of view in the previous articles. But our desire for infinity is fitri. All of us seek the Absolute Perfect, and based on the laws of desires, this desire is innate. As we learned in the laws of desires

  1. The Absolute Perfect exists.
  2. We are compatible with the Absolute Perfect.
  3. We have the capacity to perceive the Absolute Perfect.
  4. We know the Absolute Perfect.
  5. We understand the Absolute perfect because we have lived with It. This means we understand what it means to be absolute and infinite.

That is why we are not satisfied with the limitations of earthly life, and we always want more and more of everything. This is an intuitive perception, and we can come to realize it with a little self-reflection.

The love for the Absolute Perfect has nothing to do with science or acquiring information, but it is something innate and a matter of certainty. We love the Absolute Perfect, so we are infinite beings. That is because only an infinite being has the capacity for infinity, and a limited being can never desire infinity.

The Manifestation of Infinity in the World

There is only one manifestation of infinity from a rational point of view because if there was more than one infinite being, it would be limited and no longer infinite. We call this One manifestation of infinity “Allah.” We cannot say that God is potentially infinite because potentiality is a quality which has not been actualized yet. A potential quality is limited and imperfect, and it is moving towards perfection, while God or “Allah” is not like that. God is the source of all perfection, and everything in the universe originates from Him (we will talk about this in the following articles).

“Allah” is the true beloved of all of us. Even if we do not believe in Him, we seek Him in every moment of our lives. All our efforts and endeavors are driven by our innate desire to attain infinity or the Absolute Perfect. “Allah” is the manifestation of infinity that we love to achieve. He is the Infinite Truth that has all the perfections and is not limited. He is One and has created us and every other creature. Since our soul is from this Infinite Being, it desires infinity. Our soul always seeks its origin, and it will never embrace peace and happiness unless it reaches Him.

 Eternal Peace and Happiness 

The source of our desire for infinity is our supra-rational faculty. The lower dimensions of our existence are the subsets of this faculty and copy it in terms of the desire for infinity. In fact, our desire for infinity in any dimension or faculty other than the supra-rational faculty only creates trouble for us. All our dimensions, apart from our human dimension, constantly make us try different things and take away our inner peace and happiness. Just like a child who constantly complains without knowing what he really wants.

If we take proper care of our human dimension and satisfy our desire for infinity with the manifestation of the Absolute Infinite, the lower dimensions will also find peace; therefore, our peace depends on the appropriate fulfillment of our desire for infinity.

In this article, we stated that there is no end to human desires. The source of our desire for infinity is immaterial; as a result, the world’s material sources and means never satisfy our desire for infinity. If we try to satisfy this desire with material things, we will be deprived of peace and happiness. We learned that the desire for infinity can only be fulfilled in the infinite realm, and the Absolute Infinite is the only appropriate answer to this immaterial desire.

Every desire has an outward answer or manifestation, for example, hunger and thirst are satisfied by food and water. The outward manifestation of our desire for infinity is the Absolute Perfect or the Absolute Existence which is called “Allah” in Arabic. All human beings, without exception, love Allah, but where does this love originate from?

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