Anytime we make a decision or choose a path, we unintentionally think about its results and outcomes. We are creatures with intellect and understanding, so it is natural for us to consider the consequences of our actions. Sometimes the scope of a matter is so great that we forget where we stand, which direction we are heading, and what the outcomes of our journey may be. For example, have we ever thought what we expect from our spiritual journey? A journey that has started with our birth and is supposed to continue up to the hereafter and eternity.
Most of the time, knowing the outcomes of our journey can motivate us. For instance, if we know that by following the right path from this world to the hereafter, we will accompany and become similar to our guides, then we will definitely walk this path more eagerly. Especially, if we know this guide is an infallible expert who has the highest spiritual rank. In fact, we need the roadmap, the guide, knowledge of the origin and destination, and the platforms for our spiritual journey in order to ultimately reach the outcomes of our journey and ensure our happiness.
The Self-Knowledge School offers a space to explore the profound questions that underlie our anxieties, sorrows, and fears. These negative emotions stem from our fundamental lack of answers: we don't know ourselves, we don't know the world, and we haven't defined our relationship with it. This ignorance hinders our pursuit of love, peace, and lasting happiness.