Basics of the Divine Lifestyle

The clothes we wear, how we spend our free time, whether we like sports or travel, the type of parties we go to, and other choices we make, all show what kind of lifestyle we prefer for ourselves. A Western lifestyle? Divine? Traditional? Or a lifestyle based on our own personal priorities?
Each of these lifestyles has its particular set of requirements. They shape our future depending on the behaviors, relationships, and choices they draw us to. For example, it is impossible that we follow the fundamentals of a divine lifestyle, but fall into the future that the Western lifestyle has planned for us. In reality, as you sow, so shall you reap.
The thing is, if we do not know ourselves well, we are probably not going to build a solid foundation for our lifestyle. Indeed, the true lifestyle is the one that can give us lasting happiness and peace. The only way to achieve this peace is through the observance of the foundations of the divine lifestyle that Our Maker has approved. In this section, we will learn about the foundations of the divine lifestyle. We will also understand what principles we must follow and what things we must stay away from, in order to achieve a lifestyle that is in harmony with our fitrah and true self.

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