With a little attention, we realize that neither is this world a simple environment without any complexity, nor is the human a creature whose existential structure does not follow a specific rule and law. After years of research and experience, scientists are still unable to explain many of our behaviors and our body’s chemical reactions, let alone express their opinion about our non-material dimension and its presence in the world before or the world after this world. So it is clear that the existence of a being with these characteristics in this world requires prior readiness.
The deep compatibility and relationship between our body and the characteristics of this world is not accidental at all. We have brought a tool with us which can perceive natural light; we have ears which can receive sound frequencies accurately within our required range. All this shows that before this world, we have been prepared for this world. In fact, if we want to benefit from this world, we need a healthy birth whose necessary conditions we need to provide before this world. Depending on the characteristics of this birth, we can benefit from the opportunities of the world we are born into.
The Self-Knowledge School offers a space to explore the profound questions that underlie our anxieties, sorrows, and fears. These negative emotions stem from our fundamental lack of answers: we don't know ourselves, we don't know the world, and we haven't defined our relationship with it. This ignorance hinders our pursuit of love, peace, and lasting happiness.